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How I stay lean year round

HVD Studios LLC • December 3, 2022

One of my favorite saying lean meals: Tilapia, guacamole, and asparagus

This is a continuation from an Instagram Post I made. I wanted to provide more context as to what I've learned about staying lean, even during the off-season.

During the off-season, my weight hovers around 235 to 238. I won't go over that because then I'll notice my weight shifting to my lower back. Me and lower back fat don't get along well. When that happens, I know I've gained too much weight, and likely bad weight.

I will still enjoy a free meal here and there but for the most part I am still measuring my macros and drinking my water. I've learned that my body likes white fish, plenty of veggies, and good sources of fats.  My go-to fats tend to be olive oil, butter, sesame oil, and coconut oil.  I'll even have high fat days.

This meal is one of my favorite "staying lean meals". I used to hate Tilapia and other white fishes until I learned how to season them without making them too salty and pairing it with the right sides. 

Here I combined them with Grilled Asparagus and a side of Guacamole (home made, of course)

Prep time

Prep time for this meal is only about 20 minutes.  I thoroughly clean my food, weigh it (except for the veggies where I'll eat as much as I want), and then throw them into the oven.  Lately I've been using my air fryer and it's a lifesaver and a must for contest prep!

Do you have a nutrition question or meal prep request? Email me!

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