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What is a NSF seal, and why it's on some of the supplements you use.

Stephen Haywood • November 15, 2022

I recently switched back to a pre-workout energy drink since I am under 40 grams of carbs a day for my contest prep, and needed something to help get me through my workouts. I happened to find this particular energy drink was infused with a fat burner so I figured I'd give it a try.


I was pleasantly surprised to see the NSF Emblem on by the ingredient label.  This is important to me as a drug free athlete.



What exactly is the NSF Emblem on your supplements?



The NSF Emblem is a blue circle with the letters NSF in it. When you see the NSF label on your products (supplements) it means that particular brand meets the strict standards for public health protection.



Choosing a product certified by NSF lets you know the company complies with strict standards and procedures imposed by NSF. I highlighted a portion of their statement from the   The Public Health and Safety Organization  website. It states:


"From extensive product testing and material analyses to unannounced plant inspections, every aspect of a product's development is thoroughly evaluated before it can earn our certification. NSF certification is not a one-time event, but involves regular on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities and regular re-testing of products to ensure that they continue to meet the same high standards required to maintain certification over time. If for any reason a product fails to meet one or more certification criteria, NSF will take enforcement actions to protect you, including product recall, public notification or de-certification".


Here are screenshot from a product container (note the NSF badge on both):



Products that earn NSF certification display the applicable NSF certification mark to show that they have been tested by a respected independent product testing organizations.



This is not a particular endorsement on if the supplement is safe or not because much of that has to do with the user's health history and current level of fitness, but it does let me know that bare minimum that the product was processed in a certified environment.



Look at it the same way the health department does safety inspections in kitchens and hospitals and either passes or fails them due to unsanitary conditions that could get people sick due to contamination.


I hope you found this tip useful. By the way, I do not endorse or use this product. Images used for illustrative purposes only.



You can read the full explanation  here


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