I want to get this out of the way.
Exercising is hard work. There's no question about it. It's why so many people choose to skip it. There's nothing glamorous about getting stinky, sweaty, and messing up your hair. Then there's that awful soreness after a good workout.
Many of us do it because it helps us live longer, makes us feel good, and gives us the energy we need to make it through the day. Once you get into the habit, something interesting happens. You start seeing the benefits of your labor, other's start complimenting you, and your confidence improves. Many people who used to loathe going to the gym or working out on their own actually grow to appreciate it and develop the habit of going. Some make new friends, or incorporate group exercise as their main source for fitness.
I've always had an appreciation for gym goers. As a competitive athlete, I have specific reasons why I go. But most people aren't training for a bodybuilding competition or team sport. These health club enthusiasts have more personal needs in mind.
They all come in different sizes and have different goals but one goal is consistent; they want to live long and head off very preventable illnesses that occur due to lack of exercising such as weight gain, high blood pressure, and muscle loss due to inactivity. Social interaction is key here. Some go to relieve stress from work and the kids, some go to exercise in other ways (yoga, tennis, swimming, etc.) and some go because they have workout partners who rely on their participation. Anyone who exercises do so because they have their own specific goal in mind, and it isn't always about losing weight or getting big.
Setting Goals
If you've been thinking about joining a gym or even starting an exercise routine, regardless whether you do it at home or elsewhere, setting a realistic goal should come first. Losing 50 pounds shouldn't be one of them because this takes knowledge, a particular mindset, and patience.
Instead, shoot for goals that get you into the mindset of prioritizing your day. I always feel that it's best to commit to 2 days a week to start, while adding an additional day down the road. 30 to 45 minutes should cover your cardio and weights. Cardio could come in the form of walking and weights could be as simple as ordering some exercise bands or picking up some really light dumbbells from your local sporting goods store. Focus on the muscles that you want to improve.
Once you've established a routine, the next step would be to look at your eating habits. This can get rather complicated because most of us know the bad stuff we're eating, but what do you substitute it for? How much do you eat? How do you count calories? These are all great questions that are based on your current weight. If you have questions and need a consultation, I am always happy to help. Just send me a message and I'll get back to you.
So...when is the best time to start an exercise program?
In short...today! But in reality, there is no perfect date or time to start. It doesn't require any special equipment or day of the week to begin. I often advise clients to get a comfortable pair of sneakers, grab your phone, and call a buddy or create the perfect cardio playlist and listen to music during a walk. Having a good 35 minute conversation while you are walking around the block accomplishes 2 goals; you get to play catch up, and you just did cardio.
I often mention walking as exercise because it is just as effective as using a treadmill or any other piece of cardio equipment. You can increase your intensity level simply by walking faster or walking up a slight incline such as a hill. If you happen to own a bicycle, grab your helmet and take a ride through the neighborhood using the same method.
Again, keep your goals simple and realistic. Once you've established at least 2 workout days in a week, add in a third. After 8 weeks, you've established a routine! Slowly add your goals which could be losing weight (I recommend 5 pounds at a time) or getting stronger by incorporating weight training (actual weights instead of the bands I mentioned previously).
Gaining an appreciation for exercising opens many doors including the doors to your local gym or health club. You won't be so intimidated when you do because guess what...many of the people who go look just like you! Everyone is starting something new, or building onto something they've started months ago.
Losing weight requires a closer look at your eating habits, and weight training can be accomplished by any number of ways. In my next post, I'll address both of these.
Until then, stay safe!
By enrolling in a training program, the client assumes full responsibility for any injuries sustained during a session. By default, this disclaimer is automatically applied; however, the client is free to provide any required documentation by a medical practitioner indicating that it is safe to move forward with a workout program and shall provide a list of recommended modifications. During registration, clients (drop-in excluded) will be required to fill out a par-q questionnaire and intake form. Muscle soreness and fatigue are all part of a regular workout program, regardless of the level or intensity, and should be anticipated. Steve Haywood Pro Fitness will take all precautions to keep these normally occurring side effects to a minimum.
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