As a lifetime drug free bodybuilder and classic physique competitor, nutrition takes priority over weight training when preparing for a show. Many new competitors are searching the internet for effective ways to lose body fat while maintaining muscle, and the Keto diet definitely helped me achieve that goal.
I won't go into the science of how the Keto diet works because there are literally hundreds of great resources you can find. This post if more about how I use it during my prep. Simple and straight to the point.
Is it right for you?
If you like flavorful food, I'd say absolutely YES. My favorite meal is Salmon and 1/2 Avocado. I'll steam a bag of Green Beans and will sauteed in 1 tbsp of Butter and 1 tbsp of MCT Oil. I'll add salt, pepper, and chopped garlic for flavor. This bag will serve as my carbs for the day so I'll eat 1 serving before a workout and the remainder post workout.
If you have a hard time drinking water (you'll consume lots of it) or eating carbs (the kind of carbs you eat while hitting up a vending machine at work because you're hungry...or bored) then I'd say this diet is definitely not for you. At the end of the day it comes down to discipline and carbs are absolutely forbidden unless they come from your veggies or fats such as nuts, or avocado.
Please note that this diet is not a meat Smorgasborg. I read so many stories of people eating loads of bacon, salami, sausage, etc. because they are on the Keto diet and think its okay. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. You still need to portion, measure, and weigh your food.
The Expenses
For the record, it's not cheap eating the Keto. My go to protein is Salmon, Bison, or Tuna with Olive Oil. I'll eat this combination 3 times a week and Macadamia nuts pretty much every day.
I stock up on Avocados, MCT oil, and Fish oil because you'll go through this stuff rather quickly. These foods and supplements alone aren't cheap. Please budget accordingly.
I also use a Keto Coffee Creamer. It's definitely an acquired tasted but no big deal. I don't recommend using Splenda and use Stevia instead. I'm a coffee drinker so its something that counts towards my calories as each serving of creamer has about 14 grams of Fat, mainly from MCT oil and Ghee Butter. You can get it anywhere. I got mine from Amazon. It will run around $25 for a 16 oz. bottle.
Supplements I use
I keep it simple. I supplement with Potassium Pills (the fizzy kind with favors like lemon lime, orange, etc.) Fish Oil, MCT Oil, BCAA's, Coconut Oil, and Glutamine.
How often I do it Keto
I use the Keto Diet for the first month of my contest prep, I'll skip 2 months, and add it for one final month before winding down and slowly making the conversion back to a low carb diet. I'll go about 7 days on and will re-feed for one. My go to carbs are Jasmine rice in which I'll have 2 cups on a refeed day.
The downside of Keto
Getting a good pump, especially on contest day. I def would not use this diet leading up to a show. Getting off of it 3-4 weeks prior to a shows is ideal. Slowly so re-introducing carbs back into your diet is the goal. Getting that full look won't happen (at least not for me) on a low carb diet. This is only my opinion. Give it a try yourself. Your results may vary.
Thinking about competing?
Check out my competition prep services or join me for a seminar and ask about the Keto diet during your contest prep
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