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OCB Richmond Classic

HVD Studios LLC • December 26, 2020

Thoughts & Analysis | Richmond, Va.

Beacon Theatre, Richmond, Va.

Federation: OCB

The 2020 -2021 contest season concluded in Richmond, Virginia about 2.5 hours from my hometown, Columbia Maryland.  I stayed at the Candlewood Inn & Suites, about 12 minutes from the venue.  Social distancing was in order in this hotel, of course, so everyone was wearing their masks.  I checked in on a Friday evening and afterwards, I took my polygraph test.

The competition was held the following day at the Beacon Theatre. The lighting, audio, and set up was very accommodating for competitors.  I competed in the Master's and Open Classic Physique (C class).  Competitors in each category ranged in age, build, and experience level as you will see from some of the video I posted.  One nuance to natural bodybuilding is how some of the competitors pose.  Some are experienced while others look like they are twisted in a pretzel.

The pump up area was amazing as we were using the dressing rooms actors used for their performances.  The promoters took special care to carefully put paper throughout the pump up rooms.  That's correct. Rooms.  Very spacious and more than enough space for us to apply our oil, color, and to check out our pump. The swag bag was basically a Gym bag. 


The Competition

There is no verification for either the Master's class or open class.  The entry form asked us to check off our ages and heights and that was pretty much it.  The Master's class was huge.  I believe it was 9 total.  The open class had 4 competitors.

The presentation round

If  I had a complaint, it would be that we were not allowed to do our routines, due to the size of the event.  To me, its disappointing because as many of you know, the routine round is the best part of the competition. If the IFBB can allow ALL of their competitors up to 3 minutes to do a routine (and their show was much larger than this one) we should be able to go out for at least 60 seconds to our own music

We had 25 seconds to hit a few poses to very low house music:

Final feedback

Class and overall winners took a urinalysis test afterwards, and pro cards were awarded.  In all of my years competing, this was my very first OCB show!  It wont' be my last.  Very well fun, organized, and the competition was amazing. So many well deserving athletes in the men's and women's divisions.

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