During my 25 years of working with clients, I have been able to understand and identify the reasons they (and people in general) fail to reach their fitness goals.
Many think that hiring a trainer is the answer. In my opinion, it's not. Why? There are other areas that need to be addressed in conjunction with working with a trainer to see results. This is why I added to additional services over the past 2 years to assist my clients (Passive and Online Training).
In my previous post (<click older post below to read), I discussed the best time to start a fitness program and also briefly touched based on nutrition, which is the number one reason why so many people fail to reach their weight loss goals. While it can seem to be a bit complicated, its similar to the question of when I discussed the best time to start a fitness program. What's the best way to control your eating and how do you start?
To eat right is to understand how many calories you are consuming each day. For your average person, 1500 to 2000 calories a day is a safe place. Of course, if you are taller or slender, this number may go up or down. If you are consuming higher calories than this and you don't consider yourself slender or tall, I can almost assure you that you will continue to gain weight.
If take out (fast food, subs, pizza, chinese, etc.) and snacks + sodas are the main source of your nutrition, you are likely consuming WAY too many calories on a daily basis which is another leading cause of weight gain.
Portion controlled meals, or the frozen foods you purchase from the store which controls the amount of calories, is a better option. I like this option for professionals who don't have the time to cook and need something easy that also controls calorie intake. If you don't like frozen foods, there are a variety of meal prep services such as Cook Unity that are great alternatives depending on what you order. I mention frozen because they are very cost effective while meal prep services can be a bit pricey.
Buying low fat or fat free food is tricky as well because because its fat free doesn't mean its calorie free and calories are what you need to watch on a daily basis. Most eat an entire bag or container in one sitting which will defeat the purpose I can discuss the best foods for you based on your needs.
Get in touch with me to learn more.
Passive Training. Is it right for you?
I added a new service to provide a foundation so that my clients can increase the likelihood of having long term success. Passive training allows me to introduce my clients to fitness in a new way, while helping them develop good habits. This is actually the first step (see my previous post where I discussed the best time to start a fitness program.
Online training allows me to work with clients from all over the country. Both were added to ensure my clients are consistently sticking with their routines, being working out or nutrition.
Now that I've briefly touch bases on Nutrition and the supplemental programs I offer, let's discuss the
5 reasons you haven't been able to reach your fitness goals
1. You keep repeating the same mistakes. Year after year.
Waiting for the "right time" to start a program is pointless, in my opinion. There is no "ideal" time to start a workout program. Some wait until the beginning of the week/month and others wait until January 1st.
In reality,
you can start a workout program the next day or even the same day. Before or after work. You don't need a scripted workout in hand. In fact, leave the workout at home.
Buying a new pair of workout shoes, asking a friend to be an accountability partner, or even replacing that soda or Starbucks drink with lemon water is a start. Starting a wellness program isn't just about burning calories through exercise. It's about developing a mindset.
Come up with a schedule. 2 days of walking (or cardio) per week during a set time, or even 2 days of going to the gym and trying out a few machines (just to see what they do and how they work). Keep in mind that in order to tone, you need to incorporate cardio and weight training, and not just cardio. More on this in a future post.
The goal here is just to start. You'll get better and more comfortable each time you visit.
2.lack of discipline
An easy way to look at discipline is doing something, regardless of how tired you are, or how horrible of a day you had. No, we don't enjoy being stuck in traffic, being stood up by the baby sitter, fighting with our significant other, or using tiredness as a scapegoat.
These are some of the reasons people use to skip something that the body needs to stay healthy. Eventually you will end up where you started. Yep, another failed attempt at getting in shape.
Organize your schedule and commit 30 minutes a day to some sort of exercising, even if its taking a walk. Making something become routine is a great first step and a good way to learn discipline.
3. Lack of motivation
Having a general desire or willingness to do something starts with something that motivated you in the first place (see #5). Your motivation could stem from excess weight gain; feeling that your clothes are too tight or your breathing is heavy. Aspire to lose 5 pounds. It's an easier goal to reach than, say, 50 pounds.
There are other underlying issues that need to be addressed as well. Motivation starts when you look at the mirror and make a promise to yourself that will make just 1 small change a week to improve how you look.
In this case, cutting out a sugary drink and replacing it with water, or skipping the vending machine snacks like Doritos and a Snickers bar with a healthy granola bar each day will contribute to lowering your caloric intake which will help you lose weight.
4. You haven't uncovered and addressed the deeper issues
There is always a deeper issue when people try to start a fitness program and consistently quit. It could be a variety of reasons from not setting realistic goals, not seeing results fast enough, not knowing what you are doing, not addressing your eating habits, or being in a bad relationship. It could also include depression, low self esteem, or low self confidence.
5. Your goal is unrealistic
Losing 30 pounds in 3 months is unrealistic. Getting a flat stomach (or a six pack) is unrealistic, especially if you are not eating properly and don't exercise.
Wearing a waist trainer won't help you shrink your waist.
That sauna suit you purchased will only make you sweat out water weight. It's not for permanent weight loss.
These are the types of fads that lead to people quitting. Being consistent, dedicated & focused on your goals, and educating yourself while being in the right environment are the only ways to reach realistic goals.
By enrolling in a training program, the client assumes full responsibility for any injuries sustained during a session. By default, this disclaimer is automatically applied; however, the client is free to provide any required documentation by a medical practitioner indicating that it is safe to move forward with a workout program and shall provide a list of recommended modifications. During registration, clients (drop-in excluded) will be required to fill out a par-q questionnaire and intake form. Muscle soreness and fatigue are all part of a regular workout program, regardless of the level or intensity, and should be anticipated. Steve Haywood Pro Fitness will take all precautions to keep these normally occurring side effects to a minimum.
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